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[ld_fancy_heading tag=”h2″ ca_init_scale_x=”1″ ca_init_scale_y=”1″ ca_init_scale_z=”1″ ca_init_opacity=”1″ ca_an_scale_x=”1″ ca_an_scale_y=”1″ ca_an_scale_z=”1″ ca_an_opacity=”1″ use_custom_fonts_title=”true” enable_fit=”true” enable_split=”true” title=”good design” init_values=”translateY:50,opacity:0,rotate:15″ animations_values=”translateY:0,opacity:1,rotate:0″ margin=”top_small:0px|bottom_small:0px” fs=”52px” lh=”1em” ls=”-0.025em” minfontsize=”48″ compressor=”0.65″]About Michelle[/ld_fancy_heading]
[ld_fancy_heading tag=”p” ca_init_scale_x=”1″ ca_init_scale_y=”1″ ca_init_scale_z=”1″ ca_init_opacity=”1″ ca_an_scale_x=”1″ ca_an_scale_y=”1″ ca_an_scale_z=”1″ ca_an_opacity=”1″ use_custom_fonts_title=”true” enable_split=”true” title=”We know that good design means good business.” fs=”28px” el_class=”font-style-italic” color=”rgb(24, 27, 49)” margin=”right_large:25%25|top_small:0px|bottom_small:0px” start_delay=”360″ lh=”1.185em”]First generation Nigerian-American with a passion for sharing the foods, fashion, and culture of her heritage with everyone.[/ld_fancy_heading]
[ld_fancy_heading tag=”p” ca_init_scale_x=”1″ ca_init_scale_y=”1″ ca_init_scale_z=”1″ ca_init_opacity=”1″ ca_an_scale_x=”1″ ca_an_scale_y=”1″ ca_an_scale_z=”1″ ca_an_opacity=”1″ use_custom_fonts_title=”true” enable_split=”true” title=”We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly, achieve marketing goals, and look fantastic.” fs=”18px” lh=”1.5em” margin=”right_large:25%25″ start_delay=”500″]Graduating with a Joint BA Honors in Economics and Business from Bristol Business School in Bristol, UK, later achieving her MBA from Robert H. Smith Business School in Maryland, USA, and currently enjoying a career in Corporate Finance – Michelle Segilola always had a heart and mind for Entrepreneurship.[/ld_fancy_heading]
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“Although I grew up in the D[M]V, my family and I always ate, watched, spoke, and learned everything Yoruba or generally Nigerian in our home. After spending months and money in search of these authentic Nigerian products online and in the local stores during COVID-19 travel bans of 2020, and sharing this search journey with family and friends, I realized that there’s a need I might be able to meet for more than myself. The most popular US alternatives personally lacked the traditional flavors, textures, or authentic connection to African communities I was looking for and that wasn’t good enough for me.”
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[ld_fancy_heading tag=”h2″ split_type=”words” ca_init_scale_x=”1″ ca_init_scale_y=”1″ ca_init_scale_z=”1″ ca_init_opacity=”0″ ca_an_scale_x=”1″ ca_an_scale_y=”1″ ca_an_scale_z=”1″ ca_an_opacity=”1″ enable_split=”true” duration=”1200″ delay=”140″ ca_init_translate_y=”23″ ca_init_translate_x=”0″ ca_init_rotate_z=”7″ color=”rgb(221, 196, 100)”]About Segi Shop[/ld_fancy_heading][ld_spacer height=”1px”][ld_fancy_heading tag=”p” use_custom_fonts_title=”true” color=”rgb(61, 61, 61)” fs=”16px” lh=”2em” ls=”0.01em” margin=”right_large:20%25″ el_class=”text-underline”]

We launched this Falls Church, VA based online retail & wholesale experience in October 2020. Our mission is to expand trusted access to the best authentic Nigerian snacks & beautiful Ankara fashion without shoppers jumping on a plane, arranging costly personal shipments, or driving far out of their local area.
Segi Shop is the one stop home of Segi Snacks foods and Segi Bella branded fashion. Segi Shop provides access to natural, organic, authentic West African/Nigerian snacks and quality, 100% handmade Adire and Ankara fashion. Every item proudly celebrates Nigerian culture and directly supports quality Manufacturers, Merchants, and Artisan economies in West Africa.
Segi Shop is a minority (Black and Woman) owned, family business with proud partnerships on the African continent.

[/ld_fancy_heading][ld_spacer height=”10px”][ld_fancy_heading tag=”h2″ split_type=”words” ca_init_scale_x=”1″ ca_init_scale_y=”1″ ca_init_scale_z=”1″ ca_init_opacity=”0″ ca_an_scale_x=”1″ ca_an_scale_y=”1″ ca_an_scale_z=”1″ ca_an_opacity=”1″ enable_split=”true” duration=”1200″ delay=”140″ ca_init_translate_y=”23″ ca_init_translate_x=”0″ ca_init_rotate_z=”7″ start_delay=”400″]Safely shop Segi at:[/ld_fancy_heading][ld_spacer height=”10px”]

[ld_fancy_heading tag=”p” use_custom_fonts_title=”true” color=”rgb(0, 0, 0)” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fsegishop.com%2Fproduct-category%2Fshop-bella%2F” fs=”15px” lh=”1.25em” ls=”0.025em” margin=”bottom_large:16px”]segishop.com[/ld_fancy_heading][ld_fancy_heading tag=”p” use_custom_fonts_title=”true” color=”rgb(0, 0, 0)” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fs%3Fme%3DA1LO5XNJU6CNP5%26marketplaceID%3DATVPDKIKX0DER” fs=”15px” lh=”1.25em” ls=”0.025em” margin=”bottom_large:16px”]Amazon[/ld_fancy_heading][ld_fancy_heading tag=”p” use_custom_fonts_title=”true” color=”rgb(0, 0, 0)” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fsegishop.com%2Fabout%2Fshop-local%2F” fs=”15px” lh=”1.25em” ls=”0.025em” margin=”bottom_large:16px”]Participating Stores[/ld_fancy_heading]
[ld_fancy_heading tag=”p” use_custom_fonts_title=”true” color=”rgb(0, 0, 0)” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.etsy.com%2Fshop%2Fsegisnacks%2F” fs=”15px” lh=”1.25em” ls=”0.025em” margin=”bottom_large:16px”]Etsy[/ld_fancy_heading][ld_fancy_heading tag=”p” use_custom_fonts_title=”true” color=”rgb(0, 0, 0)” link=”|||” fs=”15px” lh=”1.25em” ls=”0.025em” margin=”bottom_large:16px”]Amazon Handmade[/ld_fancy_heading][ld_fancy_heading tag=”p” use_custom_fonts_title=”true” color=”rgb(0, 0, 0)” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fsegishop.com%2Fabout%2Fshop-local%2F|title:Shop%20Local” fs=”15px” lh=”1.25em” ls=”0.025em” margin=”bottom_large:16px”]DMV Markets[/ld_fancy_heading]

All food products are 100% authentically Nigerian, without alterations or substitutions, and sold by the best-by date. Snacks are produced ethically and safely. Segi Snacks provides high quality packaging and labeling, maintaining CBP Agricultural, US Food and Safety, and Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services standards.

Segi Snack boxes are filled with a variety of carefully curated, proudly Nigerian and Benin Republic (from Abuja, to Lagos, to Abeokuta, to Benin), and hard to find in the US, snacks. With natural ingredients and organic manufacturing methods, these tasty, crunchy snacks can be enjoyed by all ages and most dietary plans. For those who already love 1 (or more) of the over 10 authentic snacks we offer, and for those who are looking for new additions to prepared lunches, movie nights, guest offerings, party favors or gift options – Segi Snacks variety boxes are for you.

Thank you to our growing group of Segi Snackers for trusting us in your homes or businesses, for gifts, and at events.

For events/parties and corporate gifts, we provide customizable favors. We personalize any Segi Snack bag or box as needed (with celebrant name(s), event date, message, or event colors for examples). Weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, housewarming, team appreciation – no reason is too big or too small. Please contact us with a minimum 4 weeks lead time.

All bags are 100% family handmade by us and one of a kind. We do not copy shape, design, and material combinations from others or from ourselves; we don’t make the same exact bag twice. We do not wrap existing bags from other brands with Ankara materials. Our full construction bags are made with the highest quality Ankara materials sold in Lagos, Nigeria; lined with top grade polyester, nylon, and leather; and shaped and strengthened to last with quality fabric stabilizer and fiber wall inserts. All hardware, finishes, and original design additions are also of the highest quality, to last with the bag and all needs. All bags are inspected and safely packaged in a reusable generic or custom Segi Bella sack, and further protected with paper and bubble wrapping if shipped.

Original Segi Bella branded bags are only sold directly through the Segi Shop website; a select few options are also sold on Etsy, Amazon Handmade, and at DMV Market events.

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